
Diapers ....

... just curious (I plan to put some in my registry) so I put 3 boxes of the 84 ct. Swaddlers - newborn ......


can you MoMs recommend what sizes to go to next? as in resgister for? 


I'm clueless  and prefer not to guesstimate 




Re: Diapers ....

  • We were in preemie and newborns for quite a while, and mine kiddos were born at 37 weeks.  I guess the main issue is how long you want to store the diapers!!

    I would maybe suggest registering for different brands.  I have heard that Pampers were great for boys, but my boys were allergic to them so we switched to Huggies.


  • We were in newborns for about 1 1/2 months and are now in size 1's.  We LOVE swaddlers and hate using anything else (we received several different brands at showers).  You can pretty much count on going through at least 16 diapers a day.  We registered for 4 large packs in sizes NB-2.  We got about 3-4 of each and it's been nice because we have only had to buy just a couple of boxes. Wipes are another nice thing to get ahead of time.  We have not had to buy any of those either.  We have LOVED the Pampers aloe wipes.

    The only problem like the pp'er mentioned is that some kids are allergic to or don't do well with certain kinds of diapers.  

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  • It really depends on how early your babies are born and how big they are.

    For us we used preemies and actually had to fold them in half the first month. But we used the ones in the NICU so we didn't have to buy those. Second month preemies Pampers Swaddlers. Third month newborns. 

    Hopefully you will have full term chunkers and be able to go straight to newborns for a few weeks then size 1's. You will go through 16-18 diapers a day. The only diapers I really hate were Luvs. They are paper thin and have no stretch.

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