Not me, but my husband, who is approaching 40, is thinking about going to school for the first time since graduating highschool in 1989! I am very supportive, but what kinds of obstacles did you face? We have two young kids and he would have to go pt. @ work, but his job is a dead end manufactoring and he now is having skin issues due to dealing with chemicals. We could live on my salary and he could go to school nights. While it would be difficult, I'm willing to make the sacrifice. What do you all think? Should we take the plunge? I sooooo do not like making major decisions.
Re: Has anyone completed a degree later in life?
I say, DO IT!
I am doing it right now. I had a 2 year degree but am now finishing my 4 year and most likely will go on for my MBA.
I totally agree with Minnas, he wont regret doing it, but would most likely really regret not doing it!
MH just started working towards his Master's and I couldn't be happier about it.
Me with my littlest.
I'll say the same thing I told my mother when she went back to college:
You'll be 50 in 5 years whether or not you go back to school, BUT if you go back to school, you'll be 50 AND a college graduate.
She worked full-time and grauated number 1 in her class.
I'm 35 and I'm going now. I've been going off and on for 16 years but I am finally finishing. I'm going PT and my classes are online which is great! I still work part time and my work gives tuition assistance.
If he has the opportunity and you guys can swing it he should definitely do it.
Good luck!