Usually it's used in adjusting for milestones and weight (like if kids start smiling around 6 weeks you shouldn't get concerned if he's not smiling next month, he might not do it until he's 11 weeks actual and 6 weeks adjusted, etc). You don't have to use it (we don't really) but it's helpful to think that he might be a little behind on some things so that you don't get stressed out. People continually ask us because DD is so small, but you probably don't have to worry about that
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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Chunky Monkey
Also, before his due date his age is often referred to by week of the pregnancy as if he'd stayed in. For example, I had a 31 weeker who learned to breastfeed at 38 weeks. DS was ~7 weeks old when he got the hang of bf, so his 'adjusted' pre-due date age was 38 weeks, and since it makes a big difference when they came out he was always referred to as a 31 weeker.
Therefore, Dash would be a 35 weeker who is about 37 weeks gestational age, even though clearly he's no longer gestating. DH and I think this is a very odd way of describing it, but this was the way it was done in our NICU.
After his due date adjusted age is calculated like previous posters have described.
Re: adjusted age (stupid question)I don't
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
You'll start using adjusted age when he reaches his due date. So when he's 9w actual, he'll be 2w adjusted.
You'll stop using it when he either catches up or around 2.. depending what your doctors do.
My Blog
Also, before his due date his age is often referred to by week of the pregnancy as if he'd stayed in. For example, I had a 31 weeker who learned to breastfeed at 38 weeks. DS was ~7 weeks old when he got the hang of bf, so his 'adjusted' pre-due date age was 38 weeks, and since it makes a big difference when they came out he was always referred to as a 31 weeker.
Therefore, Dash would be a 35 weeker who is about 37 weeks gestational age, even though clearly he's no longer gestating. DH and I think this is a very odd way of describing it, but this was the way it was done in our NICU.
After his due date adjusted age is calculated like previous posters have described.