So today i was playing with the boys and i was thinking about how many random funny things we call them!! haha I just thought it would be fun to hear the other things that you might call your little ones
1.Smunchkin(s)- derived from smushy munchkins
2. Smunchie(s)- no clue
3. Duffer(s)
4. Snoochie or smoochie boochie(s)
If your babies arent here yet what do you call them in your belly
Mine were gummies- they looked like gummy bears in their first US!
Re: Funny Nicknames
uncle rico and cousin rico
Mine are:
Lovebug, Buzz Buzz Buzz for Lorelai
Maddiekinz, Madzie, Madz for Madelyn
and we say Lorelai with big "jazz hands" dramatically since she is our drama queen - kind of along the lines of "superstar" by Mary Catherine Gallagher
And they are my munchkins
haha...those are great!
We call the babies in my belly "piggies"
Our last name rhymes w/cakes so when I was pregnant I was pregnant w/baby cakes. Now that we have twins we call them the cupcakes!
Harmon's IRL NN's are: Buttercup, Senor Clown, and Clown Boy. Who knows what names each of the cupcakes will get... I imagine it will be that silly
Melanie - Pwincess, Meanie, Shmelly, Bebe, Mechin
Daniel - Danno, PopPop, Sweety, Mr. Oso, Senor
I'll play
Rowan- Senor Poopy Britches, Ro, Ro Jo (his middle name is James so that was our tribute to J. Lo), Jo, Ma-jo-en (as in Mclovin from Superbad), Joseph, Munchie, Mon-chi chi & son
Sloane- Sloanie, Sloanie Baroni, Baroni, Barone, Rone, Tender Roni, Munchkin, Pea Pod, Pea, Princess, Munchie & Mon-chi chi
We call them by their nick names so much they are JUST now starting to respond to their real name.
Leo: BLT (for Baby Leo Thomas), Leonator, Stinkerbutt, Little Feller, Mr Handsome
Drake: Drakenstein, Drakeroonie, Heart Draker Soul Shaker (or Draker for short), Mr Big Brain, Angel Face
They both get called Munchie, Munch and Love Muffin.
Kai is also Kai Boy, KT and Kai Guy
Daila is also Dai Dai Girl, Baby Dai and Daila Sue...