
What fun activities do you do with your DC

From my post below (my guilt about not spending enough time 1:1 with Sam), I've decided to carve out Friday afternoons for special Sam/mommy days. I'd love any suggestions you might have for fun activities, including indoor & outdoor. It's still cold here, so we'll be inside at least for a few more weeks.


Re: What fun activities do you do with your DC

  • I take DS to this place called Ready Set Play.  It's an indoor bouncy place with inflatible slides and tons of other inflatible things.  Or there is another place called Jungle Java which has a huge indoor playscape.  I also just bought a ton of paints (has the paint inside the brush...less messy).  I bought a huge roll of paper that I can tear off big swatches of.  Or I'll take him to the park...but it's pretty warm here. 

    We also take him to the Children's Museum but he's still kind of little for that. 

    Liam is 5!
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  • SullaSulla member
    I can't remember how old Ethan was when we started, but he loves when we bake together.
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  • My DS loves to make stuff in the kitchen.  I don't have the patience to let him help when I'm trying to hurry and get dinner together or something like that, but when we are just at home playing,  he loves to help me make some easy things like banana bread or muffins from a mix.  He loves to do the pouring and the mixing.  Also, recently I made a big pan of Jello Jigglers for him and just gave him a plastic knife and a plastic spatula and some cookie cutters and let him go to town with it kinda like play-doh.  He loved that.  He loves to play blocks together, loves to be read to, loves going for walks outside with no agenda and plenty of time to explore rocks, sticks, bugs, etc..  My DS also loves going out to lunch, so that is fun for both of us. 
  • Hmm, I just do whatever I know she's absolutely into right now.  Which is playing in the sandbox and on the swing set.  For inside activites we bake together, play play-doh and little petshop.  She also loves the library right now- I'm not one to "play" with my kids very well, but I really try to do what they want to do when it's our one on one time, I usually end up having fun too.

  • Playground, indoor play gym, library, local children's museum, art projects at home, make cookies, playdough, play guitar and sing, hike on local trails, swim at the rec center, yoga class.  She actually enjoys "helping" me grocery shop and things like that, too.
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  • My girls love the zoo so we do that on nice days at least once a month.  We also go to the park a lot (like once a week) or the pool once it opens even more often.  The museum is always fun.  Our science museum has an entire bottom floor just for kids that is great.

    But honestly, anything you do will be great.  DD#1 totally needed some "mommy time" last week.  I ended up taking her with me to run errands, into the office and out to lunch on Saturday.  I just had to drop a few things off at my office, give my assistant a key and get it straightened up for his meeting.  So she got to "go to work" with mommy Saturday.  We also hit Lowes for the new key, JoAnn for water colors for her (because she needed them) and went out to lunch just the two of us.  She loved it and so did I!  We both totally needed it.

  • These are the usual things DD and I do together during the days (when Im not working). *bake and cook *playdough *dance time (turn on the music and dance like crazy!) *trips to the mall- inside playground and hit the pet store where DD LOVES to look and touch the animals *playground *library *park- go for a hike, feed the ducks, etc *walks in the wagon * CRAFT projects--anything that has to do with art- *painting, chalk, etc *library *neighborhood play center *zoo *play outside- swing, bike, wagon, slide,ball, etc. thats all i can think of for now.
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