

When Ethan was born  I said something was off his eyes didnt look right.  Everyone said I was seeing things and it was just my eyes playing tricks that he is beautiful.  I agree he is beautiful but something is off.  For the last week I have seen his jaw tremor.  At first I thought he was just cold because thats what it looked like.  I asked DH if he saw it he hadnt.  So I have been watching and notice it more but no one else has seen it.  Well yesterday my mom was over and holding him.  I was in the other room and I hear her say "awww are you cold" it was 78* in here, he was fully dressed and in a swaddle-me.  Finally someone else noticed what I did.  I have a call into the pedi so please cross your fingers that its nothing.  The nurse sounded concerned about the the eye in conjuction with the tremor.
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Re: tremor

  • I hope the pedi can set your mind at ease.
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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  • At times my boys' bottom lips quiver briefly...never thought anything of it. Curious to hear what your pedi says.
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