
Anyone want another baby but dh does not?

I think I am about ready to have another baby, but my dh is NOT, at all!  Everytime I mention it, he just changes the subject.  I know I want another one, but I am not sure he will ever want one.  Is there anything you think you can do to change his mind?  Would you be ok with not having anymore kids?

I know for sure I do not want another child if he is not 100% on board, but I really do want another and he really does not?


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Re: Anyone want another baby but dh does not?

  • #6#6 member

    Me Me Me! 

    I would LOVE to have another baby y..e...a...r...s from now.  (like 5) but DH says no.  It makes me mad because when the girls were really little (like 2-3months old) HE brought up the idea of #4.  His sentence went something like "wouldnt it be cool to have another baby once the girls are in elementary school?  I can see us now with a newborn at some sort of ball practice for Landon or the girls."  

    I was so excited that he was open to #4.  Then they turned into toddlers and he says no more.  :'(  

    But Im holding out hope that once these 3 are in school and the toddlerhood is a distant memory that I may talk him into it.  I want to go back to school first.  That is another key factor.  Having more money would be another thing that would help sway the hubs.   

  • I am right there with you. I wish there were some magic words I could tell you that would change his mind. DH just keeps telling me that he doesn't want to talk about it now. I am so afraid that we will just put it off until it is too late. I love DS dearly, but I can't imagine not having any more kids. I would start TTC right now if DH was ready.
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  • I'm already thinking that I'll want at least one more years down the road, but MH has been claiming that he's "two and through" and thinks one of use should get snipped.  I'm not ready to make that decision right now.
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  • Yes! I do! But we may try this time next year, so DD will be 3.5yrs.  I am starting to think that I want them closer together than that.  It is hard for us right now though because I'm looking for a job & we are trying to pay down some debt before adding another child to the house.  DH said the other day that we may only have 1 more child & then be done! I was sort of stunned by that.  It's hard too, when his brother is going on their 4th child & he makes as much as DH (not much) & his wife is a SAHM too.  I just don't know how they do it (well, I know, but we wouldn't do it the same way). 
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  • Kat - I feel the exact same way.  I love my dd more than anything, but wourl really be sad if she were an only child.  I am holding on to hope that he will change his mind. I am even willing to wait.  I HOPE he knows how much I want another and he will change his mind eventually.


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  • That's us!  However, we agreed (before we were even pg with #2) that if this one was another boy, we would have one more.  I have always wanted 3 and DH was pretty adamant about only having 2. 

    We foudn out yesterday that #2 is, in fact, a boy, so I was secretly EXTRA thrilled b/c now I get my 3rd :)  DH keeps telling me that he bets I am the one to decide to be 2 and done, but I am pretty positive he's wrong. 

  • I don't think there is much you can do except talk and come to a compromise or a time to reassess.

    I do not want another baby. I'd quite like another 2 year old though. DH would like another baby in theory but not in practice. Basically neither of us wants to go through that ifrst year with DS again.

    So yes we're ?kind of on the same page but kind of not. I REALLY don't want DS to be an only child (where DH doesn't either but less so). But I REALLY REALLY don't want another infant. So we go back and forth. But at least we do go back and forth.?

    No one should try to change anyone's mind. He'll only resent it if he was talked into it.?

  • My DH told me right after I got pregnant with DS that he did not want another child.  I was pretty floored because I always thought we'd have two kids.  After we found out that DS was a boy I told him we were definitely having at least one more.  We stopped talking about it for awhile but every now and then DH would bring up not wanting another one.  One day I picked DS up from daycare and as I was driving over there through a neighborhood, I saw a brother and sister outside playing in the rain and I knew that I would be resentful if we never had another child.  When DH got home that night we had a very long talk about having another one and how important it was to me and how I would regret it forever if we didn't have anymore kids.  I asked DH his reasons for not wanting another and the biggest was because he didn't want to hear me gripe about not having any money with paying for two in daycare.  He was also concerned about making sure that DS wasn't deprived of our attention having to share it with another child.  We agreed to pay off our cars before starting TTC and just working extra hard making sure that both children had our full attention as much as possible. 

    We're going to start TTC in June!!

    Liam is 5!
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