if you are using STD for childbirth, do you have to use it commencing on the date of delivery (or next business day) and ending after 6 weeks or whatever the allowed coverage is for it? This is my understanding.
I was asked if I could use sick leave first and then use STD afterwards - so for instance, if baby is born June 1, use sick leave from June 1 through July 15 and then use my STD from July 15 until August 30.
The answer is no, correct? I believe STD "expires" 6 weeks after baby is born but I would love to hear that I'm wrong on this. TIA.
Re: Question about Short Term Dis
Momma to 2 sweet boys!
Lost 65 lbs. on WW 2009-2010
May 7, 2011-First 5k run (a horrendous 13:30 pace, but I finished!)
June 4, 2011-2nd 5k run with an 11:15 pace
Haven't signed up for the next one yet!
that was my plan and was how my maternity leave worked with DD. i was informed yesterday that because of my upcoming leave, my company is re-writing their maternity leave policy to mandate that i cannot use sick leave after the first 6 weeks. i understand that many companies have this policy but i'm being caught off guard because they're changing it on me with only a couple months to go. so i've been saving up my sick leave and making financial decisions based on what the policy was. now i'm facing having to take leave without pay after my STD is over. my well-meaning boss said "why dont you just use sick leave first and then STD?" but i'm pretty positive it doesnt work that way.
Right, but you will still get paid for both. The first six weeks, you get paid your sick leave plus the STD. So that covers you for the next 6 weeks, kwim? Just don't spend it all at once
STD is 6 weeks for vag birth, 8 for c-section. So, once you have a six week old (assuming vag birth), you can't get any STD.
It sucks too because there is the wait week (at least in CA). So, you actually only get paid for 5 weeks if your disability starts the day that you gave birth. I got around that by having doc say I was disabled a week before I gave birth. Of course, I didn't work that week or get paid but it ensured I would get the full six week STD. And my company will allow me to just get paid out for vacay whenever I want so i figured if we were short because I didn't get paid that week I could just get paid out for a week of sick or vacay.
this is awesome if it will work. until today i hadnt heard of the possibility of doing this - i thought while you were on STD you could not legally receive any other payment from your company. if i can get $$ from both during the first 6 weeks to wind up making 1 1/2 times my salary during those weeks then i will be extremely happy.
I think it is only sick you can't get paid while on STD, at least in CA. Vacation is fine. At least that is what my employer told me and on the form it asks what other compensation you were paid and says for example "sick leave..." but doesn't say vacay.
Obviously don't take my word on this!
I don't think you are allowed to receive $$ for working b/c you are supposed to be unable to work. I received both at once for both pregnancies, and I am a state employee,I assume they would have caught that if it were illegal. I am in NJ, not sure if it varies by state.