Hi! I don't quite belong to this board yet, but will pretty soon. Because of my girls' TTTS, nobody thinks they'll make it past 32 weeks, and due to my PTL, I'll be happy if we make it to 28!
In any case, my family lives in Germany and we had planned on taking them over there around Christmas time. That was before their health issues started and we knew just how early they'll most likely be born. Do any of you know what I should expect as to when they might get the all clear to fly? My guess is not within their first year .... TIA
Re: what do you guys know about flying with preemies?
I've been following your blog and am so happy you're getting close to 24w
I flew with my daughter (a 29weeker) the first time when she was 4.5 months old and it wasn't a big deal at all. However we've been on "lock down" since RSV season started in November and I would guess that you will be as well. The first 2 RSV seasons are pretty serious, especially if the babies are born really early. I would guess you won't be travelling until next spring
Good luck to you!
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Congrats on getting to 24! I had my guys at 28wks 6days and I can tell you that traveling by plane that far away is a bad idea. The risk to their health alone is huge with RSV season and planes and airports being a virus and bacteria haven. And you will have friends and family wanting to hold them and not understanding the health needs of your situation. Then there is the issue of their being behind developmentally so your babies will not be acting like their actual age but more like their adjusted age. And if they have reflux, as many, dare I say most early preemies usually do have it bad, you will have a whole world of other issues to deal with. If your doctor clears you to fly with them during the holiday season I'd find another doctor.
Is waiting one more year going to be so bad? I promise you that if they get so sick you have to hospitalize them overseas you will regret taking the risk. RSV happens very fast. Good luck with whatever you decide.