
Passed my glucose test but I'm iron deficient

I'm glad I don't have gestational diabetes. I'm having a hard enough time as it is gaining enough weight and I think if I was really worried about a strict diet it would be even harder. I do have to start taking iron supplements with my PNV now but I can handle that. Since my last appointment my DH has become the food police and is constantly trying to get me to eat. I hope I start packing on the pounds soon because he is going to drive me nuts if I don't.

Re: Passed my glucose test but I'm iron deficient

  • Same here. So happy to have passed glucose. I've been anemic since week 8. When you take iron I suggest the slow release as well as take colace and metamucil daily. Iron is a b*tch on your digestive system. I learned the hard way. I nhaven't gained a ton either and my OB said it's totally fine. As long as babies are growing at rigth pace, you should be fine, My sister had twins 6 yrs ago and didn't gain a lot more than what someone w/ a singleton gains and she and he boys were perfect(she was anemic after). If you are eating healthy..I wouldn't worry too much,
  • I have also been anemic from about 12 wks. 

    Does your PNV have a stool softener?  If it does not, I would recommend asking your OB to prescribe one, because without it, you might run into digestive issues. 

    That's good that your DH is helping you with that.  The weight gain is important especially with multiples.

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  • me too... doc said I didn't have to add another supplement just try to get more iron rich foods... Mom said watermelon was really good because it has a lot of iron but also fiber so you don't backed up.. and I also picked up some ensure which other moms recommended because it has 25% of the recommended daily amount in one shot.
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