I'm upset.
The specialist said he averaged 93% and he needs to be 94%. She asked if he was up often or sick. I told her he cried the first hour he was on the machine because his brother was up crying and the time-change didn't help, and also that he's a little congested.
He wakes up heaving because of his reflux. She said she could see his heart rate elevate over 160 when his O2 would decrease...I said that happened when he cried.
We have to keep the tanks and keep him on oxygen.?
Re: Jaxon didn't pass
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Oh I am so sorry! No fair. When will they let him take the test again? His brother was buggin him, he can't sleep through that, give him a break doc!
He has an appt with Pulmonary at the hospital on April 3. The doc said she would re-order another night study after that appt. She felt terrible making this call to me.
She said anything under an average of 94% means a threat to respiratory infections...but since we're SO close that if he rips the cannula off, to just leave it off. I said he rips it off immediately sometimes and she said "at least you tried". I told her I'm a mess because he pulls it down around his neck...she was silent and just felt bad.
Ugh....I'm just disappointed for him...?
Oh Annie I'm so sorry ((HUGS)). Hopefully Jax will pass the next time. Especially considering he was only 1% off.
When is his next trial?
Please do. Thank you. I will need all the prayers in the world to get him off his feeding tube as well....but I know that will be sometime yet.?
Sad!!! And-what a crock!! Just 1%!! How much longer on the O2? I hope not too long---that poor Jax has been through enough!!
Hang in there!!!!
Aww, poor you and poor Jaxon...he is so close!!!!!!!!
This may be a dumb question, but has he had the Nissen procedure?