

I just sent you a pm!

Re: joseys

  • Yeah, there's not a lot you can do when there is a shadow like that.  In ps, you could maybe do some burning, but it is not worth the work or hassle.  I honestly don't mind it in that photo, though.

    On your edit, the skin is a little too yellow for my liking.

  • Thank you, as always!!
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  • No problem!  One good thing to remember is to always have your back to the light source.  Obviously with little ones, you can't always get them to look your way, but even if you would have turned him about 45 degrees and you put your back to the sun, you would have avoided that sun spot on his head and you probably would have caught some of the light in his eyes.  Even better if you can get them in the open shade.  Sometimes if the sun is too high, you can't really face them toward the sun because then they can't see!

    Have I ever told you how cute he is? Smile

  • Thank you!  We were visiting my college campus and there were NO leaves on the trees, so it was super hard to find shade!  We were just happy to have a beautiful warm day!  He is awfully yummy, I have to admit!  I can't wait to find out what you are having!  Thursday, right?  What time?
  • Yes, I figured that about the shade.  I seriously need to move somewhere that has leaves and green grass year round!

    Thursday at 2:30!

  • I am soooo excited for you!  Hope everything goes well and that you get back in time to post it!!
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