
My babies are little porkers

Tomorrow they will be 6 weeks and I think we are done with 0-3 months size clothes.  Now I have to do some shopping because some of the 3-6 months clothes are more springy and summery and I need a few warmer outfits for the next few weeks.

I am afraid that when we go to our 8 week pediatrician visit he is gonna say they are to fat ;)

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Aubrey & Anthony

Re: My babies are little porkers

  • Wow, and I thought mine were big! They gained 6 lbs each in the first 8 weeks but they still fit comfortably in the 0-3m stuff ... except the Gerber onesies, which seem to run very small. My pedi said she loves to see fat babies at this age, so hopefully yours will say the same thing. ;)

    Congrats on growing some big healthy babies! :)

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Hooray for big and healthy babies-they grow so fast at this age.
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  • Good work on big healthy babies! I highly, highly doubt your pedi will say they are fat.  I'm sure he/she will be proud of you Wink
  • I dont think babies at that age can be to fat. good job. 
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