I see Drs. Friedman, Gross, and Petraske in Princeton by the hospital. Dr Gross has a terrible bedside manner but the other two are great. Dr Friedman is male and Dr Petraske is female. Dr. Petraske is my favorite. Good luck!
I second Drs. Friedman, Gross and Petraske. Just started going there and everyone at the practice has been wonderful. Plus its right next to the hospital, which you can't beat!
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Re: obgyn near lawrenceville?
Delaware Valley OBGYN
Dr Hall, Dr Proctor, Dr Sarma (women)
Dr Ung(man) Dr Eder he is great but no bedside manner
They are very nice doctors I work with them at my hospital for 10 years... They have more physicians but these are the 3 I love