
Tongue Tied - clipped? (BFing related)

We took my 5 day old DD to the pedi yesterday for a checkup and learned that she is tongue tied which could be a reason I am in so much pain this time for BFing. I've decided to make the appt to have it clipped.


Has anyone else done this? Please share your experiences.


Re: Tongue Tied - clipped? (BFing related)

  • We had DS's tounge clipped.  It never affected my breastfeeding but the ENT thought it might affect his speech later on in life.  It wasn't bad.  They took him to another room and I could hear him cry but it was only for a moment and they immediately brought him back to me so I could nurse him. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • DS ha it done at 6 weeks, which I think was too late.

    I went to the oral surgeon, they applied a topical anesthetic, then novocaine injections. They clipped it with a scalpel. I was holding him and his hands, a nurse held his head in position.

    He wasn't happy, but they had me nurse him right away, and he got over it. And that was that.

    I think we did it too late, so his latch improved only marginally, but I was also concerned about speech issues later. DS has always held his tongue really far back in his mouth as a result of the tongue tie. We have to over-pronounce words to get him to place his tongue correctly.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • We had DD's clipped at about 7 days old. It was causing a terrible latch and therefore, she wasn't getting enough to eat. The procedure took a couple seconds, barely bled, and she only cried for like 30 seconds. It was definitely no biggie. GL!
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