Ellie has thrush. Yuck. I must say, though, that I am relieved. Breastfeeding has been so painful lately and I'm hoping this is the reason.
How long should it take to get back to normal, non-painful nursing now that she's taking Nystatin? (And, I'm applying it to my breasts per dr. insructions.)
Re: Thrush Question
It depends on how aggressively you are treating it. If you're just using Nystatin, it could take months.
You need to be boiling any pacifiers, pump parts, etc every day. Wash your bras (I do all of our laundry) in hot water with vinegar in the rinse. Don't use any antibacterial soaps, and dry your hands with paper towels. The yeastie beasties are a cast iron b*tch to get rid of. (Can you tell that I have been through it... twice?)
All the details can be found on Kellymom.com.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Yeah, doctors rarely know how to deal with a full-blown thrush infestation (LOL) in breastfeeding moms.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008