Do you have a problem with your DC picking on them and if so, how do you put a stop to it? DS loves our dog but sometimes he just whacks him with a toy or throws something at him. Last night the poor dog was lying on the bathroom floor while we were in there steaming up the bathroom for DS, and DS just walked over to him and kicked him right in the jaw.
I put DS into time out and explained that he needs to be nice to the dog, that he wouldn't like it if someone just walked up to him and kicked him in the face, and that dogs are animals and even though Otto is a great dog and his buddy, one of these days he just might react and DS could get hurt.
DS said okay he understand and gave the dog a huge afterward but the thing is I have had this conversation with him at least 20 times. I am really afraid that one of these days the dog is just going to turn around and bite him. I mean we have a great dog, but he is an animal and last night DS really kicked him hard.
I make sure they are never alone in a room together, mostly because I don't trust DS. So have any of you gotten through to your DS on this and if so how did you do it?
Re: If you have a dog or cat
Ditto. Most of the time, R is just trying to play with our dog, who is really small (10 pounds), but she's just a little too rough. So, she gets a reminder to be gentle.
A few times, she has purposely hit him or pulled his hair, and that's when she get's a time out and the dog gets some extra treats and attention.