...of the amazing ladies who answered my post below about my profile publishing dilemma! I managed to successfully publish my profile on a Shutterfly book, just as I had imagined !
Many of your suggestions were great, ultimately, I got help from my brother, who lives 12 hoiurs away, but gave me serious tech support over the phone. I e-mailed him right after I posted here, and he called me exactly 2 minutes after I sent the e-mail. Just in time for my meltdown and my 3rd glass of wine! He went to web design school and runs a very successful Wedding Video business....and he was able to convert my files into high resolution jpegs and actually hacked into my Shutterfly account and uploaded all of the new files for me! All I had to do was plop the pics into the book, chose my cover and order! I ordered a small 5x7 book for my brother as a Thank You for helping me. Now, if only someone would plop some $$$ to pay for them into my Bank account!!! Since I designed the profile myself, I saved about $500 by not hiring a designer, so spending the $400 or so I will spend on Shutterfly books fit my budget, thankfully!