
I never want to have sex again

I normally wouldn't share this info with a bunch of "strangers" but I'm hoping you gals can either tell me this is normal, or that I'm crazy, and I need help.

Ever since getting pg with DD2, I haven't wanted to have sex.  I haven't had it since I was pg with her.  I have no desire at all.  Right now, I actually feel like I could go the rest of my life without it.  It's not just my husband.  I see attractive men all over, but I don't want to have sex with them either.

I wasn't like this at all with DD1.  Is the bfing making this happen?  Depression?  I'm not sure what to do, if anything at all.  I was hoping by now to resume my normal sex life.


Re: I never want to have sex again

  • EMTEMT member
    BFing can make you feel that way.
  • I can tell you from my standpoint it is normal.  With ds, pg # 1 had normal sex drive all the way through pg and only a slight drop with bf.  As soon as I got pg with # 2 I lost it completely.  I forced myself to do it every so often, but I seriously dreaded it.  I had no desire while bf and even after that.  It is just starting to come back now.  Hang in there!
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  • Hmm, I think it is normal to have a decreased sex drive, and I absolutely think that BFing can play a part in it, but I also think your husband has a part in it also.

    Is he being helpful? Is he trying to be romantic? 

    I also will gear up my flamesuit and tell you, just do it. Once you get going, you will most likely end up enjoying it.

  • I'd talk to your DR. I go through phases of thinking that but generally get back into it pretty quick. That does seem like a long time to not be into sex. I've heard the BFing does it, but it could be lots of other stuff like depression, hormone imbalance that hasn't gotten better after #2, etc.

    I feel like once we start, I'll get into the mood and it will be ok. It normally is. I've always been a 1x every 2 weeks person, whereas DH is more like 3x a week. So we do it 1x a week.

    Good luck.

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I have absolutely no idea.

    But, oh my goodness are you stunningly beautiful?! It isn't just the hair; your facial structure is 40's-movie-actress gorgeous. ?Your daughters will be very lucky to get your looks!


  •  I posted about this last night.  DH & I had sex for the 1st time in 9 months...yes you read that right 9 months!  I think we go thru spells like this.  I blamed my problems on despression, busy with kids and surgery.

    dont beat yourself up and hopefully your dh will be understanding.  Also if you are really concerned I would talk to you ob/gyn or your pcp about it.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • I think BFing can do it.  I went my entire pregnancy with Alexander and 5 months post partum without having sex...and didn't miss it one bit.  I've often said on here, too that when we did finally have sex it wasn't even that I really wanted it...but moreso a "celebration" of having my IUD inserted.
  • i never want to have sex again and i am 11 mons pp.  i would be happy to never see a penis again.
    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • I felt that way after DD.  I think part of it was being scared of getting pg again, and also bfing.  Then when I was on bc, my moods were horrible and never wanted it.  I changed bc and it helped a bit. 
  • imageMelandJeff:

    Hmm, I think it is normal to have a decreased sex drive, and I absolutely think that BFing can play a part in it, but I also think your husband has a part in it also.

    Is he being helpful? Is he trying to be romantic? 

    I also will gear up my flamesuit and tell you, just do it. Once you get going, you will most likely end up enjoying it.

    I hate it when people say to just do it b/c you'll end up enjoying it, or the more you do it the more you'll want it. This isn't true for everyone.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I felt that way after #2 (but not after #1). ?We did have sex every now and then, and I enjoyed it once we started, but I seriously had no desire. ?I also think I had mild PPD, and that may have played a part. ?I never took medication for PPD, but last summer I bought a jogging stroller and started jogging with the boys. ?Just getting out and exercising helped to get me out of my funk, and just as I started losing weight and feeling better emotionally and physically, my sex drive came back. ?That was when B was about 8 months old. ?I was pregnant again by 9 months. ?:)
  • i don't think i had a sex drive for almost a year after ds was born.  i bf exclusively for that time (and continued unitl 18 months).  my sex drive increased when i bfing started to drop off, but it never really returned to pre-pg states.
  • I think you are totally normal.  I felt the same way.  Nothing against DH but there was a time when I didn't care if I ever had sex again.  Talked to ob about it and she prescribed some "happy pills" that also increase sex drive.  Things are better now.  GL
  • I know what you mean.  We had sex three times during my whole pregnancy and I'm still not into it nearly three months postpartum.  I was rarely in the mood after Law, too, but things got better once I stopped nursing and quit taking the pill.

    For me, I think it's part hormonal (from the nursing) and part that I'm just "touched out" affter nursing and holding the baby all day.  If I have 20 minutes free, the LAST thing I want to do is get nekkid.  I just really have no desire.  I think it'll come back eventually and I do feel a bit bad for H, but I feel like there's not much I can do about it right now.

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