Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Allergic reaction to egg noodles?

We haven't added anything new to DS's diet except that DH cracked open a jar of chicken noodle dinner.  He didn't read the label before giving it to him.  He's only had it twice, and both times he'd only take a couple bites and that was it.  Well, he had a rash on his penis for a couple days but it went away after I put some A&D on it.  He just had the booster flu shot so I wondered if that was causing the rash.  Well, today he had pretty bad diarrhea, which he hasn't had. . .ever so I pondered what could have caused it.  He's been a little crab monster today so he could just not be feeling well, and he doesn't have a fever.  But I looked at the label of an unopened jar of Chicken noodle dinner and I see that they are egg noodles.  Is it possible that he's had an allergic reaction to this?  My pedi's office is closed but I left a message.  I'm just curious if it's possible.

Re: Allergic reaction to egg noodles?

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    It could be, but your pedi would be better at telling you. My DD's allergic reaction to egg noodles was to start swelling. Never had diarrhea though.
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