you had responded to my post about anyone who had ever done IUI. I had my first (and hopefully only) one today! how did yours go? I thought it went really well. My husband produced his sample at the office and when I went in, they showed me the numbers that they want his sperm to be and what he had and he was WAY ABOVE in every area! The doctor even said "GREAT WORK". So I am highly optimistic. Even after having 3 losses.
I was just curious...have you ever gotten pregnant? Do they know of any issues that you are having? I really hope the best for you...I was reading your blog and it was inspiring. I can't even tell you how much it means when I hear someone like you expressing how you feel. Your whole story about the "yellow room"...WOW...and your husband saying that maybe showing the baby to be that you have room for him/her...WOW again!!
Anyway....I would love to hear how today went for you. I didn't do any triggers...just clomid....but I had a nice size follicle at my baseline u/s and today it looked like it had dropped from my ovary so we are hoping this will help too....
Just wanted to say hi! Keep in touch! I would LOVE to be sharing a BFP with you in a couple of weeks!!!
Re: **Indiana Sunshine***
You are so kind! ?I am so glad you enjoyed my blog. ?After so many months of ttc, it is one of the only places I know I can go and say ANYTHING!!!
I am so glad your IUI went well today. ?My DH's numbers were very good as well. ?They were lower than last time, but we also had BD'd within 30 hours so that may have been cutting it close. ?I have never been pregnant. ?I really feel that it would be so much harder to suffer a m/c than not get pg at all, but I really do wonder if it will ever happen for me. ?We don't really know what our issues might be as we have passed all of our tests and had surgery to remove polyps. ?If this time doesn't work, we will be jumping in to IVF. ?I really hope we don't have to do that. ?I sure would like to put that $$$ toward a college fund, but I guess no college fund is necessary without the baby.
Sorry this got long. ?Glad I have a 2WW buddy, and I too would love to be celebrating with you very soon! ?Best of luck and truckloads of baby dust!?
:::Butting in, too!:::
I'm really hoping it's BFPs very soon for the two of you!
also butting in
good luck both of you. i'm rooting for you guys
wow I wasn't expecting so many other reponses! Thank you girls!!
Indiana....I think you are probably right about how losses can be harder then never getting pregnant at all. Having a miscarriage is something I wouldn't wish on anyone....nor would I wish what we endured during my last pregnancy this summer....
But I just keep telling myself that our time is going to come and I believe that for you too! You seem like such a nice person with a loving husband and you deserve it! 
I really hope this works out for both of us!
Hugs to you!