Repost from TTCAL for my TTC35 friends:
DH made it home Saturday night - actually Sunday morning at 2 AM by the time his delayed flight landed. I really think I O'd on Friday but I can't be for sure since I don't chart and stuff. But, if my egg was ready over the weekend after his return, there's no doubt something had to happen! We were so happy to see each other!
I am resigning myself to the fact that this won't be our cycle but my brain is driving me crazy with the "what ifs". I hate that. I refuse to be as devastated as I was when AF arrived last time. I knew this month would be tricky with his out of town trip. Why do I drive myself nuts? I refuse to call this my 2WW unless I am saying that I am waiting for AF. But what if? See what I mean??
To top it off, his sister just found out the sex of their baby - a girl - and is already registering for gifts when her shower isn't until June or something. UGH!!!! And I have to have lunch with her tomorrow.
Anyway, that's all. Just needed to vent and let out some of this crazy a$$ energy!!
Re: DH home...