TTC after 35

DH home...

Repost from TTCAL for my TTC35 friends: 

DH made it home Saturday night - actually Sunday morning at 2 AM by the time his delayed flight landed.  I really think I O'd on Friday but I can't be for sure since I don't chart and stuff.  But, if my egg was ready over the weekend after his return, there's no doubt something had to happen!  We were so happy to see each other! Wink

I am resigning myself to the fact that this won't be our cycle but my brain is driving me crazy with the "what ifs".  I hate that.  I refuse to be as devastated as I was when AF arrived last time.  I knew this month would be tricky with his out of town trip.  Why do I drive myself nuts?  I refuse to call this my 2WW unless I am saying that I am waiting for AF.  But what if?  See what I mean??

To top it off, his sister just found out the sex of their baby - a girl - and is already registering for gifts when her shower isn't until June or something.  UGH!!!!  And I have to have lunch with her tomorrow. 

Anyway, that's all.  Just needed to vent and let out some of this crazy a$$ energy!!

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Re: DH home...

  • i dont have much to say except vent away no problem. that's what we're here for.
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  • Vent away!  Here's hoping you ovulated a little later than Friday!
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