I remember awhile back one of your daughters had some abnormal kidney test results, but nothing was/is wrong. I just got some abnormal results from kidney tests and am waiting for an appointment w/ a specialist. Can you tell me what the specialists did for your daughter and what they were looking for? Thanks.
Re: Krisbri
He order a more in-depth blood test and a 24 hour urine test and an u/s. Mandi was spilling protein in her urine. She still has a little bit and the specialist said that there are a few people who spill small amounts of protein for unknown reasons but all the other tests came back normal.
What tests came back abnormal?
ok 1.33 isnt bad in the whole scheme of things but it does mean your dr has to find out why. My BIL's was 6.5 when we did the kidney donation/transplant.
I'm not familiar with the specific tests and what they are looking for. But keep me posted ok.
he's 51. He never went on dyalysis...he would have if I wasnt able to give him a kidney. Transplants are more successful if they are done before they have to go on dialysis...however with UNOS the criteria for getting a cadaver kidney donor is more strict so usually those patients are already on dialysis when they receive a cadaver kidney.
Dont know where you are located but I highly recommend Columbia Prestbyterian Hospital in NYC.