We think DD might be in the beginning stages of teething. Her reflux had been under control, but seems to be acting up again. Just wondering if that could be related to the teething?
Sam was just at Audrey's adjusted age (4 months, right?) when his reflux peaked, which is what his GI told us would happen. He would scream bloddy murder when being flat on his back for about 3 weeks straight, and then it started to get better again. Hopefully she won't take as long as Sam did!
Re: Reflux and teething?
Sam was just at Audrey's adjusted age (4 months, right?) when his reflux peaked, which is what his GI told us would happen. He would scream bloddy murder when being flat on his back for about 3 weeks straight, and then it started to get better again. Hopefully she won't take as long as Sam did!