we saw the pedi on friday and she diagnosed S with croup. I wasn't given a prescription just told to let it run it's course, humidifier, steamed up bathroom..the usual.?
S has hardly slept at night since before she got sick. she is crying, whining, clingy, still coughing, both day and night and she is just miserable.
I have another call out to the pedi's office already...just wondering your experience with croup.
Re: how long do croup symptoms last? my poor girl. :(
DS has ALWAYS gotten a perscription for prednisone when he has had croup. It is a miracle drug for croup. . .knocks it out within a day. I would say if she has been sick since Friday she needs something to "help" her get over it. FWIW, DS had croup so often fromt he ages of 1-3 that we just ended up getting a script with refills so that we could get DS on the road to recovery without having to see the doctor. Croup is scary, and if you can get them the medicing quickly enough it makes the whole process of healing a lot easier.
Here's what I found
The symptoms of croup generally peak 2 to 3 days after the symptoms of infection start. Croup resulting from viral infection usually lasts less 3 to 7 days.
I hope she feels better but if you aren't comfortable with how she is acting/feeling, I'd take her in to see the pedi again. I hope she feels better!
yeah I think behavior would bother me more than anything. I have no experience with croup though but I'd still just want her rechecked.
Good luck M.