I think I'm going to call the pedi again. we went in on friday and they said croup, but she STILL has that awful barking cough that keeps her up all night, her nose is running like a faucet and she is just not herself. plus she isn't sleeping AT ALL. she is super restless and just kicking all over when she tries to sleep.
you said your DS's croup is better within a couple of days. I feel like she's not even on an up-swing yet. ? wdyt??
Re: *sparky*
Oh no - poor thing. I think I would call them again. When we took DS in they said it should run its course in 2 - 3 days and we ended up having one bad night (the night before we took him in) and then he was much better. If we had 3 - 4 nights of that I would definitely want some medicine to make him feel better.
How is she during the day?