
Tooth care for babies?

What do you do to take care of DC teeth when they are ~ 1yo?  They each have 6 teeth. 

I don't do anything right now....are you supposed to wipe them with a clean washcloth?  Use a finger tooth brush thingie? 

Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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Re: Tooth care for babies?

  • The pedi told us at Emily's 9 month check up to get a tooth brush and toothpaste for toddlers and brush her teeth twice a day.  We have been doing it for about 5 months that way.  When she was smaller (started around 2 or 3 months), we had one of those finger tooth brushes from gerber and the toothpaste that came with it, and cleaned her gums with that.
  • We use a little toothbrush and just water. The toddler toothpastes aren't much more than  mixture thickeners and sweeteners, so we go without them.
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  • Before they had teeth and when they just had a couple we wiped them with a damp cloth once a day.  After they had a few teeth each we got little toothbrushes and toddler tooth paste and we brush teeth every night before bathtime.
  • we brush teeth right before getting out of the bath at night....I want to order the toothbrushes that have the brissles on both sides so when they are playing with them they are still brushing :)

  • My boys love their little toothbrushes.  I brush their little teeth first and then let them chew on the brushes for a little bit.  We do this once a day.
  • We do toothbrushes with water once a day - usually right after supper. 
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