1st Trimester

My dog protecting the baby?

We came home from vacation yesterday, and I posted that I had really heavy bleeding on Friday night. Maybe our beagle can sense it Smile



"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: My dog protecting the baby?

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    I don't know but that is insanely cute pic! He wubs you!

    Bro, but look how many ants are on this trash can...
    Zach Rance 4 President

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    He is sooooo cute, I love beagles!!
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    I agree with pp - who knows if he can sense it, but he is so darn cute!!!!!!!
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    Oh my lord that is the cutest picture!
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    I think dogs can sense it! we have a doberman who has always been mama's lil baby...but it's getting to be ridiculous lately! She will not leave my side and is constantly laying her head on my belly....she also started to rebel the other day by getting into the garbage which she has never done in her 3 yrs of existence!  she is going to be one jealous dog lol
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    aww so cute!
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    I agree with schlinky85, I really do think they can tell.  Dogs are so smart sometimes!  I have 2 pugs myself.  One (the older one) is very in tune with me and my feelings but the other is just a lil diva that just doesn't care. HAHAHA 

    That picture is so precious!  You've got a great baby guard dog on your hands.  It truely is amazing how they protect their "brother(s)/sister(s)"  My oldest pug was around for the birth of my daughter 5 years ago and he has been her protector since then.  He's amazing.

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    That is the cutest!!
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    My cat has been just like this since I found out I was pregnant.  Some of them really do know something is up.  Our dog is oblivious for now, though.
    ***************************** Our beautiful daughter was born in October 2009. Turns out she was quite the miracle. After two years of TTC, diagnosed with DOR. A couple of failed treatment cycles later, we decided to let go of our hope for more biological children and explore adoption.
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    My pug beagle mix used to sleep at my feet... since getting pg, he has started sleeping by my belly and he gets totally upset when people make me agitated.  I think dogs know in their own way.....
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    That is a precious picture!  I wish my dog was small enough to curl up on my lap.
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    Before I knew I was pregnant my pitbull Jax(total mommas boy) kept cuddling up to my stomach. He did it for a week every single night and I couldn't understand why since he normally slept closer to my FI. I think he new before me. But your dog is precious.
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