
Our portable dvd player broke and DH doesn't think we need a new one...

for our flight on Monday morning! I am seriously going to have a stroke if we don't get one. I told him that I was going to get one and he was going on and on about how we don't need one. I told him that I will let my FIL sit in my seat the two of them can try to entertain DD for our flight and I will sit with my MIL


Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Our portable dvd player broke and DH doesn't think we need a new one...

  •  How long is the flight?

  • How long is the flight?  If it's like an hour, then you can probably get by without it just fine, but if it's, say, 4 hours, then I definitely understand why you'd want a new one!
  • Loading the player...
  • It's over 3 hours. DD does not do well confined. The DVD is a must. I will pick one up after church tomorrow.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Yes, get thyself to a store.

  • we use our portable DVD player every day - otherwise we'd have to watch blues clues when DS wanted to, etc... it's so nice that he can watch it and we can watch our shows (volume really low) at the same time :)

    and for a plane trip??? OMG- not just IN the plane but in the termina waiting for hours.... on your trip.... when you try to have a decent dinner somewhere and she doesn't want to sit still - those things are priceless! And i'm not a big fan of lots of TV- but they really are handy when needed!

    we have a cheapo no-name brand one that was only $80 at a closeout store and it rocks! really big screen, and great features- and has held up with DS dropping it, etc --- i will never buy an expensive one since they always end up breaking- and the cheap ones work just as well.

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