

How's it hanging chica?

Seriously A is getting cuter by the hour!

Re: belle!

  • Hey. Eh, A and I are both getting over colds so I'm a bit tired and cranky. But I just weighed myself and I've lost 2 lbs! Got to love being sick.

    Thanks. She's such a ham. She was winking at me again earlier today and telling me to look at her. I can't discipline her half the time for laughing.

    How are you? (besides m/s and an unsympathetic husband)


  • Things here are okay. I'm not enjoying my job very much, but if the economy turns around it'll get better.  Mgmt is just up our asses to get sales, but things are DEAD here in AZ.

    Luc is being a sweetheart which is nice.  When I was crying, I went upstairs and he started throwing a fit about something and followed me up.  I picked him up and he said, "I'm sorry Momma, I'm sorry".   I love that kid.

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  • I don't think I could ever work in sales. Well, I did reservation sales but that was a bit different. Hopefully things pick up soon. I'm so sick of job hunting I don't know what to do.

    Kids can be sweet like that. It always warms my heart when A tries to console me or make sure I'm ok. If kids get it, why can't adults? I tell ya.... lol.

    A was coughing yesterday and I said, "my poor baby." She said, "why you say poor baby?" and I tried to explain to her but her attention span timed out on me.


  • My sales job isn't horrible - I have a set customer base and clear competition, and a lot of it is project based so its fun to go after stuff.  I'm in a very relationship-y industry (landscaping) and most of these guys don't see a woman all that often.

    I thought about looking for another job, but the job market scares me.  I can only imagine how you feel at this point.

  • Dude. I was driving earlier and passed Sonic and was thinking, "I'm going to end up working there." I'm still holding out hope for a rich, hot guy. A girl can dream.

  • Yes, don't be like me and fall for a HS teacher.  My boyfriend just before him made $120K+ and moved to San Fransisco and later Japan.  DAMN love!!
  • Lol. Never. I totally believe educating the kiddies in commendable but...we can't be together. Nah, I'm kidding. I'm not that materialistic. Um... yeah.

  • LOL!  I know, I know...

  • Thank you for making me laugh. I needed that.

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