

Thank you for the book recommendation! Did it work for you at 12 weeks?

Re: Njarvis*

  • If only I had known about it at 12 weeks!!!  Unfortunately I didn't find out about it until someone on this board recommended....we were already 8 months old by then!  I think it would have worked even better for us if we had been younger when we started.  What I can tell you is that it really helped us get a bedtime routine, get them in their cribs "drowsy but awake", and then with the "pat-n-shush going in and out of the room technique" it got them to learn to fall asleep at bedtime on their own.  It takes a couple weeks to get it going at first, but it did away with the hours of walking, rocking, bouncing that we were doing everynight trying to get them down.  Now they go right down every night with no problems!  My boys have always been AWFUL sleepers....they still get up usually once each night per baby and they will be 2 years old next month, but they are usually pretty easy to get right back to sleep with the "pat-n-shush".  We're not perfect, but so much better than we were before :)  Good luck!
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