Birth Stories

Finally meeting my daughter

Wow!!! When they say your life changes with a new baby, they aren't kidding! I wish I had written sooner, but I have been learning how to be a mommy and breast feed my little voracious eater, Quinn.I went in for induction on Feb. 24. I was pretty freaked out, because of all of the stories I heard about Pitocin-induced contractions. Nevertheless, I was excited to meet Quinn face to face.Kaiser Zion medical staff checked me in and immediately showed me to my room. The L&D rooms are pretty nice and I felt very comfy with my nurse, Kathleen, who was wonderful. The first midwife came in and checked my progress only to tell me I was ZERO dilation and ZERO percent effaced. Wonderful. By the way, it was my FIRST internal and an experience I would very much like to forget. Ha ha!Anyway, they inserted my first miso tablet and left me to my body's own devices... Kind of. Nothing happened except that my labor began... The contractions were definitely different from anything I felt previously... The midwife came in again and confirmed that I was still at zero. Yet another miso tablet was inserted. This one did the trick. The contractions were so bad by the next exam my nurse gave me pain relief via my IV. All it really did was "take the edge off."Finally the midwife came in and told me I was at 3 cm dilation - enough for the epidural, which I gratefully accepted, or rather begged for. It was sweet relief...until the stupid epi cartridge battery ran out and needed to be changed. LOL! Eventually, sometime around 7-ish a.m., they told me I was at 10 cm dilation and ready to push. I pushed for about 2-1/2 hours before Ms. Quinn made her entrance. Quinn was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 18 inches - pretty petite. ?And I can honestly tell you I have never felt such immediate love and adoration for anyone.?There were a couple of bumps, however... Twice during the labor and delivery, I had two midwives tell me that I may need a C-section. The first was totally rude. She felt my stomach after an internal and told me that I had a "pretty good sized baby" in there and that I also had one of the smallest vaginas she had ever seen!!! "You definitely have to seriously consider a C-section." Thankfully, my nurse, Kathleen reassured me afterward she had seen smaller vaginas give birth to bigger babies.The second midwife told me after an hour of pushing that we may need to opt for C-section to avoid distress to me and my baby. I freaked out finally about C-sections and pushed my heart out. This ended up being a great motivator... Still, coulda done without it.The final bump was that Quinn had jaundice. She ended up with such high bilirubin levels that she required the light treatment. My husband and I were so worried - we found out later jaundice is extremely common. Still, the terrible feeling of visiting her in the special nursery over the 24 hours of her treatment was something I would never want to revisit. I give parents with special needs babies much credit.Jaundice also taught me to appreciate Quinn's poop. Ha! She needed to poop to get rid of it, so now we don't take anything for granted - even my daughter's poop!

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