
:::cat call::: Hey femm!

Congrats on the refi! ANNNND Alex's PT success! WOOT WOOT!

We just refi'd a few weeks ago too...


Re: :::cat call::: Hey femm!

  • you are totally spreading your 17 y/o boy horniess all over the board today=P 
  • hehehe... you want some? ;)

  • Loading the player...
  • HA!  you know it! 

    Femme is going to come in here with her fruity lipgloss now, ya know;)

  • :::applying chocolate flavored lip gloss::: bring it on Femm! We'll make a sundae... :p
  • ooo kink-ee!  Wowzas! 
  • Which part? The video or the sundae? :)

    How are you? I like your new sigs, your kids a beautiful! Are you a SAHM?

  • all of it, baby, all of it;)

    Thank you muchly!  I am good~thanks=)  How you doin'?  Yes, I am a SAHM for the time being.  How about you?

  • LOL!

    I'm good, bored and tired right now...probably won't stay on here long tonight-there's nothing going on. That's awesome, I *think* I would love to SAH. But you know what they say "the grass is always greener...."

    I work for a plastic's pretty cool. I love my job! :)

  • I hear you!  I have so much crap to do around the house , so I prob. won't be around long tonight either.  I guess I have to play my "domestic godness" part...ick=P

    I love being at home.  We are on the go quite a bit, so it saves my sanity of SAH=P  I am trying to enjoy it, as when I DO go back to work I go back to a somewhat stressful/high paced job. 

    I remember we chatted once about the free procedures you get! I am so all about some botox at some point=P 

  • LOL ah yes, I remember now. Sorry, I forget easily. :)

    It would be hard to go back to work after SAH all that time...I think I'd rather be involved in my kids school and activities. Of course, that's only if money was no object-which in that case I'd have at least 3 kids. :)

  • problem!  I would forget my own name unless I carried some form of ID on me=P

    Yeah, I would totally SAH forever if I could=P  My DH will one day take over the family business, so it'll be in our best interest if I go back at some point. 

  • Bow-chica-bow-bow...

    Thanks! It looks like you've already gone. Bummer! I'm sorry I missed the fun.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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