i had pre-e and was hospitalized feb 25 for high blood pressure and symptoms of pre-e. on sunday march 1, they decided to induce after getting my 24 hour urine screen results. i took 2 rounds of cervadil and 3 rounds of cytotec from sunday afternoon through tuesday morning. my cervix was still completely closed so we opted for a c section. my daugther was born march 3 at 10:03 am weighing 3 lbs 7.2 oz. she was born at 31 weeks 5 days. she is in the NICU on a ventilator currently but is doing well so far. we named her audrey lynn. we couldn't be more proud of her for being a fighter! her nurses call her onary audrey. we are looking forward to her coming home... hopefully by easter.
i am so so so happy to be eating regular food. desserts are fantastic and super happy to not have GD anymore!!!! my BP is still in need of medication but it was stable enough for me to come home today.
Re: introducing myself
Congrats!!! Great weight too. This board is amazing and full of wonderful ladies. And I do understand about the desserts. I also had GD and I went on a freaky sugar addiction that lasted about 2 months. I think I was trying to make up for all that time of eating right.?
Zeidy ?
Welcome and congrats on your baby girl! I had my DD at 32 weeks after being diagnosed with PIH, and ended up having her via emergency c-section the same day! She came home after 5 weeks, was on a monitor for a month, and now she is just wonderful!
Did you get the steroid shots? I got one but it didn't matter, since it was only about an hour or so before we delivered... I know that makes a big difference for lunch development!
Good luck and let us know if you need anything! Otherwise, enjoy the sweets!
i did get the steriod shots a few days before the delivery so hopefully it helped out a bit.
wow, congrats!
Love the name ... and this board is great. (I'm sorry you have to be here, though.)
Congrats. Not sure if you are in Columbus, but if so, my boys were at the Riverside Children's NICU and it was a great experience.
We also have a local board that is very active: