
Think I can keep a secret for 2+ years?

So we just decided on the name of our hypothetical future baby #2. We aren't planning on TTC for at least a year, so it will be 2+ years until this baby actually gets here. We didn't know S's name until she was actually born (we had a top 5 list) and I wouldn't want to tell anyone the name of future baby #2 until he/she is actually born. But I'm SO bad at keeping secrets! How the heck am I going to keep this a secret for two years?! It's only been 24 hours and it's already eating me up. Gah!

Re: Think I can keep a secret for 2+ years?

  • Given the fact that you & DH are discussing (& agreeing & settling) on names, do you think there's a chance you're both ready before 2yrs? Stick out tongue
  • Oh, we're ready right now, but this craptastic economy has put a damper on our plans. We can't do anything until we get out of this mess. :-(
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  • We also kept the name we chose for DS#1 a complete secret until the day he was born and it was so much fun to keep people guessing!  However, with #2, we told people before he was born that his name would be Kyle because we felt it was important to talk to Eric about his brother Kyle so he could get used to the idea (and have a name for this upcoming person) before Kyle was born.  Just something to consider.  You may want to tell your DD the name when you get pg so that she can warm up to the idea of baby xxxx.
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • Here, I'll test you:

    Whats the name???

  • mags-

    I think telling you guys might be the only way I'll be able to not tell anyone IRL. Because I have to tell *someone*. It's like since we picked names, the idea of baby #2 is finally real, ya know? I'm sure I'll cave and let you all know before the weekend is over.?

  • YAY!! I really do want to know...
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