So we just decided on the name of our hypothetical future baby #2. We aren't planning on TTC for at least a year, so it will be 2+ years until this baby actually gets here. We didn't know S's name until she was actually born (we had a top 5 list) and I wouldn't want to tell anyone the name of future baby #2 until he/she is actually born. But I'm SO bad at keeping secrets! How the heck am I going to keep this a secret for two years?! It's only been 24 hours and it's already eating me up. Gah!
Re: Think I can keep a secret for 2+ years?
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Here, I'll test you:
Whats the name???
I think telling you guys might be the only way I'll be able to not tell anyone IRL. Because I have to tell *someone*. It's like since we picked names, the idea of baby #2 is finally real, ya know? I'm sure I'll cave and let you all know before the weekend is over.?