I kind of like the way it sounds but I don't like the spelling - All I can think of is Avon - the cosmetics and more company. Plus, Avon is a town in MA.
i'm a huge Anne fan, too, but i think it's too out there.
agree. huge Anne fan too and I want to like, I really do. But saying it out loud a few times, I really don't. bummer. sorry.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
I think it is a little out-there. All I can think of is Anne of Green Gables. It's not awful though. I've heard much more out-there than that!! Maybe it's just nms.
As others have said it makes me think of Anne of Avonlea. It's a pretty name but I can't picture using it in daily life. "Avonlea go pick up your shoes!" "Avonlea you need to eat your dinner." It just doesn't sound right to me.
I really like it! I have a 'unique' name and I always liked it growing up. Teachers might have a hard time pronouncing it but at least she won't have three other girls in her class with the same name!
I think it's pretty! I understand people saying it's a little unusual, but I bet in a year or two it'll be a little more familiar (although I don't think trendy which is good!) and it'll be fine. Plus I think most people should be able to pronounce it cause most people are familiar with the Anne of Green Gables story so I think people would get it.
I personally think its a little out there. 1) Never heard of it 2) Had no idea how to say it 3) No idea who Anne of Green Gables is. I suspect she will encounter many people like me and it maybe kind of a hassle for her JMO, so something to think about. It's not an awful sounding name though.
I like the way it sounds but I don't like the spelling. I've never seen it before. It sounds British. Is the accent on the first syllable, like w/ Natalie?
Re: Too weird?
Oooo... I really like it!
Question: I'm assuming that the pronounciation ends with "Lee" not "Leah". Is that true? I prefer "Lee" to "Leah" as the end of this name.
Angel Baby: 5/29/08
I kind of like the way it sounds but I don't like the spelling - All I can think of is Avon - the cosmetics and more company. Plus, Avon is a town in MA.
agree. huge Anne fan too and I want to like, I really do. But saying it out loud a few times, I really don't. bummer. sorry.
Angel Baby: 5/29/08
Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
Angel Baby: 5/29/08
Avonlea isn't a person's name.
It makes me think of Anne of Green Gables, or someone who is a big, big fantasy novel geek (not that that's a bad thing!) NMS, but okay.