
DS first experience with mean kids :(

I know, I know....this is the first of years to come, but I am so sad. DH took DS to the park (DS is 2 1/2) and I guess DS was following some of the older boys around the playground and they yelled at him saying they did not want to play with him and to go away.  DH said the mom's made the kids say sorry.... but I almost cried when DH told me this :( I know I am hormonal from pregnancy, but still..............

Re: DS first experience with mean kids :(

  • kids suck. I'm sorry! How was your DS?
  • That would make my non-pregnant self cry too.  That sucks, but you know - I'm sure it affects us waaay harder than it does the little ones.  I'm sure your DS has totally forgotten about it by now!
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  • I guess I left that out....DS was crying!
  • ugh, sorry, Little mofo's. I'd kick their ass. Or atleast want to!

    Atleast they had responsible parents that made them say sorry.

  • Ugh -- I hate this stuff more than anything. This happened to us last year when DS came over to me crying because some kids wouldn't let him play ball with them. I wanted to cry too. This kind of stuff makes me more upset than when he falls off the playground and bumps his head.
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  • I did cry the 1st time that happened to Caroline. And I know there's already girl cliques and cattiness in her preschool room at age 3. It kills me. I mean, it really breaks my heart. I don't know how I will ever survive her middle and high school years. It will probably hurt me more than it does her. To think of any kid shunning or being mean to her makes my eyes well up w/ tears automatically.

    Be thankful that you have a boy. Boys aren't usually as cliquey and mean as girls are.

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