
Good news about FIL!!

FIL had his second cancer scan Tuesday and they got the results back and from what DH said nothing is getting bigger and there some if not all of the tumors are shrinking!!! They sent him into chemo today which was unexpected but will need to talk to SIL about that if there's something they're (IL's) aren't telling us.  But we already know that he'll be on chemo the rest of his life as long as it continues to work and as long as his quality of life on it is better then without it. 

I can't even begin to say how thankful we are for this!!  (FIL has stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer btw so this is truly a miracle for us...he's gained a tremendous amt of weight, is still working, going skiing, traveling ect.) 

Please keep him in your prayers!!  (and MIL too...she's not handling this nearly as well as FIL)

Re: Good news about FIL!!

  • That's awesome!  I'm so happy to hear that. I lost my dad to cancer, so I know how heartbreaking it can be. It's so nice to hear a positive story!
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