My husband and I are planning on starting the Ferber method with our girls tonight. They're both waking up at least once a night and not wanting to go back in their cribs. We have to do something so that we can get some sleep, and it's starting tonight. Does anyone have any advice for me on doing Ferber with twins who sleep in the same room? Thanks!
Re: Sleep Training?
Hi - We started sleep "training" when my girls were about 9 months old. They share a room as well. It will be hard at first (probably more on you than on them) but don't give up. When they are tired enough they will sleep with the other one crying.
And I wasn't too strict with how long I left them crying. I only started with a few minutes. Even now, someone usually cries at night when we put them down. We will go back in after a while to calm her down and that's all it takes.
We did our own version of sleep training with my 3. We would put them down awake, leave the room. As soon as someone cried, go back in - quick kiss & cuddle, put them right back down and leave again. Repeat repeat repeat. We did it a couple of hundred times the first night, less than half that the next night and only a handful of times the third. Night 4 everyone slept.
Basically what that teaches them is that yes, you're leaving them there - but you will come back. It also teaches them to self soothe. It worked really really well..