Phoenix Babies

Phoenix Playgroup!

A good friend and I have put together a playgroup for Phoenix Mommies. Being SAHMs we really wanted to have some great activities for ourselves and our kids and decided it wouldn't be bad meeting new people in the process. And also that won't break the bank in these hard times.?
?Check out our page! some of you may want to join! Thanks!Any questions you can email me:

Re: Phoenix Playgroup!

  • I tried to check out your's password protected?!?
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • yep, password protected for me too.?
    9/24/08 ER for 1st IVF 9/29 ET 1 blastocyst 10/11 BFP Beta #1 = 105 10/13 Beta #2 = 120 10/15 Beta #3 = 194 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker IVF #2 11/19/09 ET 2 blastocyst = BFN IVF #3 1/28/11 ET 2 blastocyst = BFP Beta #1= 62 Beta #2 = 155
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