I feel like we're constantly cleaning up. We don't have a separate play room so that is likely part of the problem. DD goes from coloring, to play kitchen, to reading books, etc. I don't usually make her put the things from one away before doing the other because it takes her FOREVER to clean up. I'll usually put a few things away here and there and have her put her crayons away or whatnot. I usually wait until the end of the day to really put everything away for the night. What do you do?
Re: SAHMs - Do you clean up after/with DC throughout the day or just wait until end of the day?
we clean between major things, and then I clean in the evening too- toys anyway. I clean other things throughout the day. I am about to dust and fold towels, for instance..and then I'll unload the dishwasher, and mop the kitchen floor, and clean the bathroom once she wakes up from her nap.
I am cleaning all day. ALL DAY. but, I love to clean. so...it is a win win- I do not love to pick up toys, though...it seems futile. I throw foofa into the basket, suddenly foofa is on the coffee table. I put the xylophone away, and then I'm stubbing my damn toe on it in the kitchen!
I take nest breaks, obviously- but cleaning aqll the live long day.
My DD is not super messy. We clean up her room a couple of times a week and I encourage her to help, but she isn't all that good at it and because I am kind of an order nut, everything has a place, and she is definitely not good at that. For the family room, where we play most of the time, I do make her help me pick things up and put them away, though maybe on a 3 for 1 basis. I limit the number of toys in that room and we rotate them with those in her room, so there are not so many things to get out. Right now, she is coloring on a giant piece of paper taped to the floor and she can come over and get one marker at a time, then has to bring me the other to get the next color, so their is not much mess.
Today, she has mostly played with books, her sit and spin, and the big piece of paper, in addition to going to the park and a Dr. Suess birthday party, so not too much to clean up.
The poop she put on the wall in her room at nap time however... I wish I could make her clean that up!
A little bit of both. I clean up major messes as they occur and I see them. I do a more thorough clean sweep at the end of the day. You know, for the boys to have a clean slate to "eff up" upon waking the next day...LOL
We do both. I'll try to get him to help me pick up easy things during the day, and I'll do some while he's playing with the next thing. But there's always cleanup after bed too. I do that while DH washes up mostly (sometimes vice versa).
We do have a separate playroom but it is upstairs, so downstairs usually has to be cleaned up each night.?