
increase in bowel movements?

Did anyone experience this in the third tri?  Since last saturday, I am up to at least 2 times a day.  My diet hasn't changed either. 


Re: increase in bowel movements?

  • ::raises hand::

    I'm at about twice, sometimes 3 a day. ?I don't get it, especially after spending so much of this pregnancy constipated! ?And, sorry for the TMI, but they're pretty, um, healthy (sigh)... ? DH thought maybe there's just more pressure/weight on the bowels? ?I don't know...

  • I hope thats the case! I hate not being able to poop! I was also a normal regualar pre-preg.
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  • OMG, this is me.  I went from pooping once a day like clockwork, to pooping 3, 4 and sometimes 5 times a day!  I am pg with twins so I think part of it might be that there is less space in my abdomen so I have to "evacuate" more.  Also, I am eating more frequently.  I find it really gross but I guess it's better than being constipated. 
  • Me too and I'm not complaining!
  • me too.. started a couple of weeks ago. 
  • Um, that happened to me after starting iron supplements for mild anemia . . . usually they have the opposite effect . . .
  • not trying to scare you....but 34w1d I had this happening all water broke that day and the twins were born then
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