
BOTB ? (sorry)

Do you think there's any difference between a generic pregnancy test and a name brand?  What about between a +/- and a digital test?

I'm nearly a week late and getting a BFN on a Rite-Aid +/- test for the past 2 days. you think the digital test would be any different?


Re: BOTB ? (sorry)

  • I prefer the generic tests from wal mart.  I was obsessed with testing so this helped out.  The digitals didn't confirm my pregnancy until a week or so after the generic ones did.
  • $ tree tests are some of the most sensitive out there. Check out this site:


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  • I got my BFP on the $$ store tests before I missed my period!  I didn't get a + on a digital until I was officially late.
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  • I'm also quite a bit late.  I tested twice on $ Tree tests (which are highly recommended and only $1 each) and both were negative.  I assume I have something else going on--not pregnancy.
  • I used generic internet tests and did see a BFP, but the line was very, very faint - much easier to see on a FRER test (so I'd say grab a box of those to confirm results you're getting with other tests).  Digital are definitely less sensitive, though, so I'd probably skip those for now...


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