
Poor baby

A's sick and she was sleeping. She just came out of the bedroom and kept saying "my dream, my dream." I asked her what was wrong and if she had a bad dream and she said, "real bad." Broke my heart. Now she's up hacking her lungs up. :-( Looks like it's the couch and some tv for us for a while.

Re: Poor baby

  • Oh no!!!  Poor A.  (((BIG HUGS))) to her.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Do you have any children's Benedryl and Vapor Rub? Rub the Vicks on her chest and the soles of her feet and give her 1 tsp. of the Benedryl, This is what we do for B and E when they are sick with coughs. Poor baby:(
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  • I hope she feels better soon!
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  • Thanks.

    Purrrf, that's exactly what I do too. Gotta loves some Vicks. Just have to get her to keep some socks on.


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