My girls are 8 months old. I know they are ready to move to 3rd stage foods, but I am having trouble deciding what to "make" for them beyond fruit and veggie purees.
They eat yogurt, cheese toast, and other soft finger foods. I am thinking of trying for small pasta, but I don't want them to miss those fun 3rd stage dinners like lasagna, and others.
Also, when did you move to 3 meals a day?
Re: Those who make their own baby food...
we moved to 3 meals a day when we moved to "3rd stage" meals
I made chicken wild rice soup and then thickened it with some pureed veggies, veggie beef w/ small noodles...I pretty much copy Gerber's stage 3 meals and just made my own. They LOVE spaghetti and meat right now...thats their favorite....
We haven't started the 3stage foods yet either, and I have to admit I'm a little freaked out by pureed meats. When did you start the finger foods? DId you wait until they were crawling? Ours will be 8mos on Sunday and we've been doing three meals a day for a few weeks now.
Ha ha, I seem to have more questions for you than answers! Have you guys started sippy cups yet? We just did that today, at least the sitter was trying it. Should be interseting to hear about when the twins get home : )
By 9 mos we were doing 9 meals a day. I make some of their food but also give them jarred. It gets more complicated as they they can eat more than purees. I try to let them try the things we eat (as long as it's not high in sugar or salt). Here's something I did make for them - whole wheat pasta w/ a sauce made from pureed carrots and sweet potatoes along w/ some tomato sauce. Max is quite texture sensative so we had to run it through the bullet a few times but they liked it.
We started finger foods about a month ago, a little before they crawled. I was totally shocked when they could do the pincher grasp and feed themselves within the first few times we tried it. We go the puffs, crackers, cheese toast, some things from our plates but not much yet really.
We have been doing the sippy cup since about 6 months old because Olivia decided she was ready for her milk in a cup.
I guess it is time for us to be doing 3 meals a day. I just feel like we are eating all day long. I will have to try the chicken with rice. Yummy pureed meat. Ugh!
Hmm, I wonder if I've been waiting too long to try this stuff? I feel like I've been in denial with them growing so fast : ( Do your girls have teeth yet? I wasn't sure if I should be waiting for teeth before trying puffs or crackers. Ryan has two bottom teeth, Maggie has none. Their next pedi appt isn't for another month.
Ryan did eat an oyster cracker the other day, and didn't seem to be too fazed by it. I guess I need to get moving on trying new stuff.
I liked the book First Meals by Annabel Karmel...loads of really, really great recipes. ?My 2 loved the cheesy pasta stars (Kroger/QFC carries the small star-shaped pasta, Private Selection brand)! ?The tomatoes were a PITA to peel, but that's my only complaint! ?Here's the recipe for that one:
1 C carrots, peeled & sliced
1 C boiling water
2 T butter
1 C tomatoes, skinned, deseeded, & chopped?
1/3 C grated cheddar cheese?
2 T soup pasta stars (stelline) - I used more stars as mine got used to a ?chunkier consistency
Place carrots in a small pan & cover w/the boiling water. ?Cook until tender, 15-20 minutes. ?Melt butter in a separate pan, add tomatoes & saute until mushy. ?Remove from heat & stir in the cheese until melted. ? Meanwhile, bring a pan of water to a boil, cook pasta until tender, then drain. ?Puree the cooked carrots w/their cooking liquid & the tomato sauce. ?Combine w/the pasta stars.?
DD is 8mths and i dice up pears and apples and boil them in a little water until they are soft. DD loves them. I also make chicken noodle soup and cut up the noodles, carrots and chicken for her. She also eats a waffle with purreed blueberrys on top so it's not dry. She has eaten a pancake with real maple syrup. I have also made frozen peas, carrots, broccoli and green beans that she loves picking up. As for meats, she has had a meatball and I buy roaster chickens and cut off little pieces of white meat chicken but she's not really in love with meat so i don't push it!