Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Urinary Incontinence......

So - I still leak.  I had the epidural, so I had a catheter also, but I would have thought that the irritation from that would have gotten better by now.  Anyone else have this problem?  The leaking almost feels worse now since having her.

Re: Urinary Incontinence......

  • I posted about this yesterday.  I am still snissing and leaking.  Kegels are so not my friend.
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  • Sadly, yes. ?My OB said that I probably wouldn't feel normal until 6 mos PP and to do Kegels three times a day. ?I feel your pain, it's gross!
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  • M&D06M&D06 member
    I still have this problem too although it's gotten significantly better the last two weeks.  Before that I barely ever felt the urge to pee until it was too late and I was running to the bathroom.  I still have the occasional leaking but I can at least tell when I need to use the bathroom now.  Hope it gets better for you soon!
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  • It gets better!  I promise!  I was still leaking at my 6 week pp check-up.  And well after that, as a matter of fact.  I think it finally got better for me around 12 weeks. 

    I feel totally back to normal now.  It took awhile though.  And I'm not big on kegels, so that was probably a lot of my problem.

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