

I am sooo sorry about AF showing her ugly face this morning :(  Have you been working with a doctor to discuss the potential for help with TTC (IUI, med, IVF, etc.)???  Fifteen cycles is a long time and there is so much out there than can help in your journey to TTC.  I just want you to get your BFP!!!!

BTW- if this is none of my business, you can tell me to butt out :) 

Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005


  • I have an appointment today, ironically.?

    There aren't a lot of avenues we can explore, honestly, because of my incompetent cervix and the fact that I was close to a uterine rupture during my first delivery---I really can't risk the multiples involved in IUI, IVF, etc, so most ART options are off the table for us.

    At this point, with the perfect chart, perfect timing, I just don't think it's ever going to happen. ??


  • I'm glad you have an appointment.  There are many people that do a SET (single egg transfer) with IVF so would wouldn't be risking multiples.  IUI is also not very likely to produce multiples (only like 5% increase).  But, obviously an RE will be able to tell you more than me :)  Best of luck to you and I hope to be reading about your BFP soon!
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
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