I need advice on how to get our daughter out of our bed, it has been two years. I have tried sleeping in her room on an air mattress, but she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming beyond control. So, I go back into our bed. I know we should have never put her in our bed in the first place.
Re: Daughter still in our bed
We went through the exact same thing with Luke.
We tried everything- and I do mean everything but the one thing that did work was CIO. It was torture. Pure torture for all of us.
But now...he sleeps like a man for 12-13 hours and we're all much happier )
Mum to Owen and Lucas >
between 2 and 3 you'll usually have some opportunities (most people I know have, anyway). She'll get more independent/reasonable/bribeable. I tried right at 2 with no luck and then again closer to 2.5 and it was easy. He still comes in in the middle of the night but we like that. If we didn't I don't think it would be too hard to stop.
We just set up a new bed for him (toddler bed/converted crib). And that's where he had to sleep for the first part of the night. Slowly he started sleeping longer and longer in there. We stay with him until he's asleep but again - that's something we all enjoy. I think I could change that pretty easily now, too.
Do we live the same life? I swear this is us, except I don't think there's any way we could get DD to fall asleep on her own just yet. She used to back when she was in the crib, but for some reason she stopped when we had to move her to the twin bed. I figure when the time is right, I'll be able to move from laying in her bed with her to just being in the room and then to the point where I can just put her to bed.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13