
What's going on w/ this world....

I read this over in PAL, but she also posted on PL and parenting. So sad that people would so something like this..the 1st one was a her post and the 2nd one is from someone that found out it was a fraud



Re: What's going on w/ this world....

  • i can not click on the second do i get it to move up??? it is covered by the sliding bar thing. 

    Anyway, I am only intersted in reading this because I read her blog when she posted a comment on Brooks blog.   Her story seemed so random to me and I have seen her post a few times on some other boards and thought it seemed fishy, but I felt so bad for feeling that way if she lost her daughter.




    Now I'm p/o that she posted on Brooks blog....ohhhhh!!!!!!!!?


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  • I can't believe she posted on Brook's blog!

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  • Thats horrible.
  • I just found the post from the girl who outed her. that is just ridiculous.  people are sick.  it makes me so sad that she took advantage of people who are actually Brook.  She made some comment about how she understood on the blog. idiot.
  • Wow, I hope she gets help.  What she did is just cruel. 
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  • I also read her blog off of her post on Brook's blog. I don't understand why someone would do that. She obviously needs help, which I hope she will get now that she has been outed. So sad....
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  • Wow, that is just sickening and sad. If this was a fake blog, what was the motive? Was she just looking for attention, or was there a fund to donate to or something? Just curious if she was out for financial gain, or if she's just mentally off. Either way, that's too bad. There's plenty of people out there with real problems that just want a little support and understanding. To make something like that up is just horrible.

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • wow.

    that is sad. So sad.


    btw- i just donated to your MOD walk - i wanted to walk this year but can't b/c being pg :) for some reason i always tear up when i read about the MOD walks.... I guess b/c i'm so afraid my babies will be preemies and need the MOD to do research, etc.... paying they don't- but happy to donate to those who do/did!!!

  • OMG that is horrid.  That is really sick.  I lost my mom to cancer 1.5 years ago and it is so sickening and offensive to joke about this--and about a CHILD.


    On a happier note--how are you?   How are your beautiful boys?  My girls are good--STTN finally and boy, doeas it make a world of a difference!    Work is good but busy too......can't wait till it gets warm out and we can get together!!!!!   Maybe we'll meet at Walt Whitman Mall!  :-)

  • armoarmo member

    Wow.  I opened her blog when she posted on Brook's blog too.  I actually wondered how she found Brook's blog (though i guessed Brook posted on other boards than just the multiples) and i still wonder that.

  • This was posted on the Toddlers board as well...beyond sick. ?
  • I think she may have found Brook's blog through mine... she posted many notes on my blog.  I felt awful for her, and though i did think she seemed to be craving attention i just figured she was very lonely and grieving and looking for support.

    I received an email a few days ago from the Nestie who 'discovered' her....  i was shocked, but not.  Honestly, I feel bad for her.  She must be very very lonely or needing SOMETHING.

    The one thing that does bother me is i think it makes people more suspicious and perhaps less likely to reach out and help people who truly are grieving and need all the support and help and love they can get.  :(

  • I read her comment on Brook's page too and got the impression she was a little off. Seriously wtf is wrong with people.

    The person who outed her said she used a stock photo and tried to pass it off as her daughter. It's crap like this that makes me want to make my blog private again.

  • SO sick
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Grrrr... Thanks for posting this. This makes me very angry. Losing a child is definitely not something to make up! I am so glad that I hadn't seen her posts. Oh, this makes me ANGRY! 
  • I just saw this post and tried to go to her blog--it's removed.  Interesting!
  • Whoa my local board is talking about her. I guess she went to one of the GTGs in 2004. Here's the link

    Click Here

  • Brook actually posted about it on her blog today.

    I was thinking the other day how this world is so filled with sadness, how so many on this board and others have lost a child.  I can't imagine the grief that goes along with that.  I don't know why someone would want to make up such a story, it's beyond comprehensible to me.  It makes me nauseous.   

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