i'm usually on the ttc6+ board, but lurk here regularly.
i'm a photographer, and i've entered a contest for the chance to shoot my dream assignment - traveling to orphanages to photograph children who have been placed with families, and provide parents professional images of their children during their wait to travel.
if you have a free moment, check out my entry at https://tinyurl.com/cs22tp and read through my summary, and vote if you can.
Re: adoption dream assignment
Cool assignment!
If I may suggest some wording changes on your blog to make it more palatable to a-families... 1. Married, childless couples ARE families, even if they're not done growing. 2. Adoption is about helping children find families, not about helping couples find children.
I disagree a bit here, and it's semantics, really. As a childless couple, adoption will be helping us find a child. We consider ourselves childless parents, and out there somewhere is a child who needs parents. So we're finding each other.
But yes, I consider Husband and myself a family, even if we're still in progress. (Aren't all families, when you consider that children grow and add their own spouses and children and on and on?)
That is a great idea and I know adoptive families would love it. I voted!
Good luck!